In the Sueca village (located 34 kilometers south of Valencia) since 1870 Family Comes, has manufactured artisan chocolate.
Coinciding with the V centenary of the discovery of chocolate (in Europe), the year 2002 Family Comes decided to open the artisan chocolate museum.
The museum entrance costs 1.5 Euros with a small taste of their chocolates.
This visit is guided by one of the family members (I think only done in Spanish and Valencian) and runs for about 1 ½ hours.
During the visit you can see:
An exhibition of old equipment used in the manufacturing process, including a "metate" (which is the rock on which crumbled cocoa) which is over 500 years old, among others.
An explanation of the history of chocolate and the factory.
Besides the possibility of seeing the artisans produce chocolate in the manufacturing hall.
The museum is located on Calle Sant Josep 29 Sueca, the Web is very simple (and their facebook is worse) and this only in Spanish.
The schedule is:
From Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 13:30 hours and from 16 to 20 hours
Saturday from 11 to 14 and from 17 to 20 hours.
Sunday from 12 to 14 hours.
The museum is not very spectacular, but the visit is curious, cheap and a nice and close treatment.
The line C-1 train running from Valencia reaches Sueca hourly.
picture from the artisan manufacturing the chocolate taken from the website
Hola! soy Miren Hernández de Valencia, me pongo en contacto con usted para ofrecerle un producto de turismo alternativo que quizá le interese.
ResponderEliminarConsiste basicamente en descubrir la huerta valenciana.
Hemos adecuado un espacio en el corazón de l´Horta Nord, en la pedania Borbotó a tan solo 5km de Valencia, en el cual los visitantes pueden darse un paseo por nuestros huertos, recolectar productos para hacer ensaladas que posteriormente tomaran. Además les enseñamos a cocinar la típica paella valenciana disfrutando mientras de un aperitivo valenciano(esgarraet, tramusos, cacaos..) y de "porronets" de cerveza, vino de la tierra, etc.
También exixte la opción de pasear en carro y caballos por la huerta, aprender a hacer "rabassetes" y muchas cosas más.
Le adjunto el enlace de nuestra web donde puede encontrar información más detallada:
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