This tradition soon spread to the city of Alicante, the mayor in this days announced on the town edict :
"... That do not light bonfires in the streets, firing gun shots , or fireworks in the night of San Juan and following, under fine of 20 to 100 Reales (coin of the time)".
In 1881, by an oversight of the city council, was not published, which benefited the residents of Alicante to gather in the streets, kicking off the "street parties" where there were games, music and were created the first "Ninots" that recreated the person who criticized.
In 1928 it was produced the first official holiday of the Alicante city of, highlighting the figure of Jose Maria Py, main diffuser of the fires that said:
"Bonfire of Alicante are well known for its tradition since ancient times, the Alicante people should give the same character has been given to the Fallas in Valencia."
The idea would attract tourists like the Fallas in Valencia, and in that same year the first bonfires were permitted by the council.
In 1932, the commissions created to the highest representative of the holidays, la Bellea del Foc (the beauty of fire), maximum charge of each commission who is decided annually.
The last holidays in the period of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), were held in 1936, rebounding in 1939 with the "plantà" of a single bonfire. Since 1940 the party begin to return to normality.
The festivities begin with "Pregón" on the Friday before the "plantà" (where the festivities officially begin).
From 17 to June 20 will begin planting the bonfires, artistic monuments of wood, cardboard, paint and now unfortunately Styrofoam (plastic highly polluting and harmful when burned) containing a satirical burden to society.
Each commission has its own Bellea del Foc and its own President who are reelected every year, and the same charges in the child version.
The plantà is officially on June 20 at 24 hours where all artists with the barraquers and the foguerers goes in a frenetic pace to plant their monuments.
Once planted the reward is "coca en tonyina" (tuna pie) bacores (figs), acompained with local wine.
During the holidays from 20 to 24 June are held "mascletaes" daytime fireworks shows (that makes a loud roar ) at 14 hours in the circular plaza of the Luceros, not recommended for sensitive ears.
There are several parades where participants can see the typical dress of "Alicantine bride"
There are now nearly 90 bonfires which are planted along the streets of Alicante.
The International Folk parade with members of different festivals in Spain and their colorful costumes.
On weekends is done the bands entrance, where marching all commissions.
The afternoons of 21 and 22 June, is done the offering of flowers to the Virgin del Remedio (patroness of the city)being the most ancient of these characteristics that is known.
On 24 such monuments burn after a monumental palm launch of fireworks from Mount Benacantil (where the castle of Santa Barbara is situated), visible from almost anywhere in the city. Thus concluding the holidays.
During the "cremà" (when the bonfires burn) sounds the anthem of the bonfires:
A la llum de la fofuera, s'abaniquen les palmeres (in the light of bonfires were fanned the palm trees). Firefighters with hoses controls the bonfires burning, and tradition says that to bear the heat, people provokes the firefighters to cool off in what is known as "Banya" (the wet).
picture of a bonfire of San Juan in Alicante taken from wikipedia
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